Heart Sisters
Heart Sisters is the women’s fellowship at Forest Hills Church. Our aim is to grow closer to each other with support and in love. Our fellowships include regularly scheduled game nights, Christmas outings, an annual weekend retreat in spring, and a Daughters’ Banquet held Mothers’ Day weekend. Events are open to all women 18 years and older.
Small Groups
Small Groups are weekly gatherings in homes and coffee shops throughout the Evansville area. They exist to inspire spiritual growth, centred around the Bible, worship, prayer and doing outreach service together.
Weekly Prayer
War Room
Whether you realize it or not, we are in a battle. We are being attacked by an enemy who does not fight fair. An enemy that disguises himself as an angel of light... (2 Cor 11:14).
This battle cannot be fought in our own strength, it’s not a carnal fight - it’s a Spiritual Battle.
A Spiritual Battle that is won only by the Redeeming Power of Jesus Christ our Lord.
During our recent Covid Quarantine, our family watched the movie “War Room.”
It was through that film that we were reminded of the Enemies Attacks on:
1. The Family
2. Our Lukewarm Stance with the Church as the Body of Christ (hilariously illustrated by the host offering their guest Lukewarm Coffee) and...
3. Ultimately Our Obedience in Commitment and Relationship with Christ.
Forest Hills, we desperately need to put on the Full Armor of God, that through Christ, we will reclaim the ground the enemy has taken.
Please join us Each Wednesday Night beginning Feb 3, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for prayer.
The Altar is Our “War Room.”
For it is there at the altar that we reclaim:
1. Our families
2. Our Lost and Wounded
3. And our Personal Witness declaring that Jesus is Lord (Matt 26:40-41)